Friday, July 13, 2012

I am wondering if anyone is reading this....we need to keep it current!!!
There is no mention of Lizzie's stellar lacrosse season!!  What is Daniel up to??
There is no mention of Laura selling her car to Liam who is about to be a real life licensed driver...what, the second to last grandson??  It can't be true!
There is no mention of Marc Wm and what coffee houses he is playing in!!
There is no mention of Katherine graduation and moving on to grad school!!
Where is Lil' Noel these days and what are the newlyweds up to?? (you know who you are)
There is no mention of big bill and sweetie's 60th anniversary should be posted!!
Dillon and Gab should speak up too and let the world know what they have been doing this summer!
Where have all the bloggers gone???